Perfunctory Blancmange
Dadaist memes for the people and other nonsense
Goats are the future
The apocalypse
Space worry cockle edition paste bromide
Your N°1 triangulation station across the nation!
Gary Foreskin
Pi curious
The value structure of wenge ennui
Time Vexed Lobster Maths Carpet Erosion
Suffered an indignity?
It was around the time I converted to natural gas
I was shattered (04)
Lemons aren't just for Christmas
Ceci n'est pas une pipe
Wear a mask (03)
Now wash your hands (05)
George was a bit sceptical
Chlamydia Winciette-Smyth
Purple parker people eater paranoia
Aggregate breakfast emulsion
Wear a mask (02)
Keep it stupid simple (01)
Extreme moderation
Bachman Turner oven gloves poptastic
Forced Battenburg curry titillation
Now wash your hands (04)
The flip flop of fatigue
Guided by the science
A thousand chides to the lost souls of Albion
Mr Diphtheria Jones and her doughnut of oblivion
Guided by Scotch broth
By the sacred genitals of Wishbone Ash...
Defy logic lick salad cream
Wash your hands now
Now wash your hands (03)
Come into the garden Maud
Higgs Bosun salted caramel
Guided by marzipan
It's all gone Barry Thong
I was shattered (03)
Where have all the Greebos gone?
Gabba gabba hey hey
I was shattered (02)
Nature vs Maths
Nobody actually cares
Now wash your hands (02)
The Karlheinz Stockhausen stirrup pump anathema
My algorithm brings all the boys to the yard
Flag shaggers of the world unite and froth over
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